Hepatitis B Core Total Ab (HBCT)

Product Description

Price: 20 د.ا

The Hepatitis B Core Total Antibody (HBCT) test is a crucial diagnostic tool used to detect the presence of antibodies against the hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) in the blood. This test plays a significant role in diagnosing and managing hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which can lead to serious liver diseases. Understanding the function of this test, its normal ranges, and its implications can help in better managing hepatitis B and related health conditions.

Normal Range

The HBCT test results are typically reported as either positive or negative. Quantitative values are not usually provided for this test as it is used to detect the presence or absence of antibodies.

Normal Ranges for Different Groups

Females: Negative

Males: Negative

Children: Negative

A negative result indicates that the person has never been infected with HBV or has not developed detectable levels of antibodies against the hepatitis B core antigen.

Function in the Body

The presence of hepatitis B core antibodies (anti-HBc) indicates a past or ongoing infection with HBV. These antibodies are part of the body’s immune response to the hepatitis B virus and can be detected in both acute and chronic phases of the infection. The HBCT test detects total antibodies, including both IgM and IgG classes.

– IgM anti-HBc: Appears shortly after infection and indicates an acute or recent HBV infection.

– IgG anti-HBc: Appears later and persists for life, indicating a past infection or ongoing chronic infection.

Diseases Revealed by the Test

The HBCT test is primarily used to diagnose and monitor hepatitis B infection. The diseases and conditions revealed by the test include:

Acute Hepatitis B: Recent infection with HBV.

Chronic Hepatitis B: Ongoing infection with HBV that persists for more than six months.

Past HBV Infection: Evidence of previous exposure to the virus, with or without symptoms.

Symptoms of Deficiency and Overdose

Since the HBCT test is not related to a nutrient or drug, the concepts of deficiency and overdose do not apply directly. However, understanding the symptoms of hepatitis B infection, which the HBCT test helps diagnose, is crucial.

Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis B:

– Fever

– Fatigue

– Loss of appetite

– Nausea and vomiting

– Abdominal pain

– Dark urine

– Clay-colored stools

– Joint pain

– Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

Symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis B:

– Persistent fatigue

– Liver dysfunction

– Cirrhosis

– Liver cancer


The HBCT test is a part of a comprehensive panel of tests used to diagnose hepatitis B. These include:

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg): Indicates an active HBV infection.

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs): Indicates recovery and immunity from HBV infection.

Hepatitis B E Antigen (HBeAg): Indicates active viral replication and high infectivity.

Hepatitis B Viral DNA (HBV DNA): Quantifies the amount of virus present in the blood.

The combination of these tests helps determine the infection status and the stage of the disease, guiding appropriate management and treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What does a positive HBCT test mean?

A positive HBCT test indicates that you have been exposed to the hepatitis B virus at some point in your life. It does not distinguish between a past resolved infection and a current active infection.

Q2: Can the HBCT test differentiate between acute and chronic hepatitis B?

The HBCT test alone cannot differentiate between acute and chronic hepatitis B. Other tests, such as IgM anti-HBc and HBV DNA levels, are required to determine the stage of the infection.

Q3: Is it possible to have a negative HBCT test and still be infected with HBV?

Yes, during the very early phase of infection or if the immune response has not yet produced detectable levels of antibodies, the HBCT test might be negative. Further testing and clinical evaluation are necessary.

Q4: How is hepatitis B treated?

Treatment depends on the stage of the infection. Acute hepatitis B usually resolves on its own, while chronic hepatitis B may require antiviral medications to reduce liver damage and prevent complications.

Q5: Can the HBCT test be used to determine immunity from hepatitis B vaccination?

No, the HBCT test detects antibodies against the core antigen, which are not produced by vaccination. The Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (anti-HBs) test is used to determine immunity from vaccination.

  • Function in the Body

  • Symptoms of Deficiency

  • Symptoms of Overdose

  • Diagnosis

  • More Information

Frequently Asked Questions

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