Code Jordan Unilabs is part of the medical and cultural society of Jordan that is known for accepting different nationalities and religions. Keeping in mind that Jordan is a conservative Islamic culture, our code of ethics should respect the general beliefs and customs of our society. 

Patient’s wellbeing is at the forefront of Unilabs priority and the code of ethics is an extension of that belief.


Medical Laboratory Professionals’ primary duty is the patients, placing their welfare above their own needs and desires thus ensuring that each patient receives the best service and the highest quality of care according to current standards of practice. High quality laboratory services are safe, effective, efficient, timely, equitable, and patient-centered. Medical Laboratory Professionals work with all patients and samples without regard to disease state, ethnicity, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Medical Laboratory Professionals prevent and avoid conflicts of interest that undermine the best interests of patients.

Medical Laboratory Professionals are accountable for the quality and integrity of the laboratory services they provide. This obligation includes maintaining the highest level of individual competence as patient needs change, yet practicing within the limits of their level of practice. They  exercise sound judgment in all aspects of laboratory services they provide. Furthermore, Medical Laboratory Professionals safeguard patients from others’ incompetent or illegal practice through identification and appropriate reporting of instances where the integrity and high quality of laboratory services have been Breached, they also maintain strict confidentiality of patient information and test results. They safeguard the dignity and privacy of patients and provide accurate information to patients and other health care professionals. Medical Laboratory Professionals respect patient’s rights to make decisions regarding their own medical care.

 Unilabs commitment to benchmark its Quality Management System with international standard is reflected by full adoption of international accreditation/certification bodies such as those of ISO 15189 and HCAC Laboratory Accreditation System.

Main points to consider when dealing with our patients

a) All patients are treated with courtesy, respect and dignity at all times

b) Patient’s cultural, psychosocial, spiritual preferences, personal values and beliefs are respected.

c) Privacy as required for conversations and clinical services

d) Confidentiality of information

e) Process to submit verbal or written complaints or suggestions

f) Equal access to services without discrimination based on age, gender, religion, social status, disabilities or special needs

g) Participation in decisions with respect for their choices and preferences including giving consent for certain procedures

h) Receive a referral if the service needed is not available

i) Communication in a language and manner that is understood

j) Patient is informed regarding the cost of care

k) The patient has the right to refuse services or treatment


Medical Laboratory Professionals uphold the dignity and respect of the profession and maintain a reputation of honesty, integrity, competence, and reliability, they contribute to the advancement of the profession by improving and disseminating the body of knowledge, adopting scientific advances that benefit the patient, maintaining high standards of practice and education, and seeking fair socioeconomic working conditions for members of the profession.

Medical Laboratory Professionals accept the responsibility to establish the qualifications for entry to the profession, to implement those qualifications through participation in licensing and certification programs, to uphold those qualifications in hiring practices, and to recruit and educate students in accredited programs to achieve those qualifications.

Medical Laboratory Professionals establish cooperative, honest, and respectful working relationships within the clinical laboratory and with all members of the healthcare team with the primary objective of ensuring a high standard of care for the patients they serve.

3. Duty to society and culture

Medical Laboratory Professionals in Unilabs are an integral part of the Jordanian society,  playing a role in patient and public  awareness is major part of their job requirements ,taking part in screening campaigns and education programs outside of the lab and in-house, also taking the time to help and explain the test/ results  within their capability and jurisdiction, keepings the interpretation of results to the physician and / or senior staff.

Medical Laboratory Professionals in Unilabs do their utmost to respect the religious beliefs of their patients ensuring that the health and safety of patient and staff come first.

4. Duty to Unilabs organization 

All Unilabs staff have no involvement in activities that would diminish confidence in the laboratory competence, impartiality, judgment or operational integrity. Management and personnel are free from any undue commercial, financial, or other pressures and influences that may adversely affect the quality of their work. If potential conflict in competing interests should exist, it shall be openly and appropriately  declared.


– The Code of Ethics of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

– Medical laboratory technologists of Alberta code of ethics

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