Preventing Serious Health Issues By Testing These 3 Important Factors.

Proactive health monitoring can be a game-changer when it comes to preventing serious illnesses. Getting tested regularly for certain indicators can provide clues that an issue may be developing before any more extreme symptoms present themselves. By taking the time to get tested and staying alert for these 3 important health markers, you could potentially minimize the progression of any future ailments or diseases which could have otherwise been life-threatening.

Reading through this post will give an insight into how best to evaluate and respond to results from these tests as well as what measures need to be taken if something does arise during the process.

Ferritin, Iron, and Transferrin: What is the difference between them and how do they affect our bodies?


Ferritin is a storage protein that binds iron and releases it when the body needs it; keeps the iron in a bound, nontoxic form which helps your doctor understand how much iron your body stores. Preventing problems related to low or high ferritin levels involves regular testing and making lifestyle changes, doctor should be consulted if the results are abnormal.

Testing your ferritin levels is important for maintaining overall health, especially if you experience some of the symptoms associated with a deficiency or excess. Females’ Ferritin levels should range between 15-150ng/mL and Male levels between 30-400ng/mL for normal values, if these levels increase, there could be issues such as; inflammation, liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism and some types of cancer also can cause your blood Ferritin to be high. This causes muscle weakness, weight loss, abdominal pain, and irregular periods.

A decrease in Ferritin levels can cause pale skin, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath, which can be caused by pregnancy, excess sports, malnutrition, blood loss from any parts of the body, and being on vegan diets without correct supplements for long periods. This indicates your body’s iron store is low and you have iron deficiency. As a result, you could be anemic.


Testing for Transferrin is an important part of identifying and preventing several health issues. Transferrin is an iron-carrying protein that binds with ferritin to the site of blood cell production, mainly the liver, immune system, spleen, and bone marrow.

There is an inverse relationship between Transferrin and Ferritin; when Ferritin levels increase, Transferrin decreases. Testing for this protein helps health professionals detect, diagnose and treat conditions related to blood cell production as well as understand how treatment has been progressing over time.

Testing can be used to accurately identify any discrepancies in dietary iron absorption or metabolism that could otherwise have negative long-term impacts on one’s health. All in all, understanding the relationship between Transferrin and Ferritins is essential to our overall well-being. In the case of any organ inflammation in the body, the recommended test is usually Transferrin.


Iron is a mineral that’s incredibly important for the production of red blood cells, so it needs to be monitored on a regular basis by your doctor.

High levels of Iron can indicate a rare genetic disorder called Hemochromatosis, which is caused by an excessive iron buildup in the body. To prevent these situations from occurring, it’s important to keep an eye on your Iron levels and routinely have them tested by your doctor. Testing for Iron can help you maintain optimum health and understand if any treatments or lifestyle adjustments need to be made.


Testing your Ferritin and Iron levels is an important step in preventing health issues related to high or low levels. Risk populations are women of childbearing age and children at growing period.  

Regular testing allows early identification of any issues and allows quicker action to be taken in solving them. Knowing your Iron levels gives you peace of mind that you are taking the necessary steps toward maintaining a healthy body.

Visit the nearest Unilabs for a quick test today!

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