Keppra (Levetiracetam) Level analysis (KEPPRA)

Product Description

Price: 120 د.ا

Normal Range

– Female: 12-46 µg/mL

– Male: 12-46 µg/mL

– Children: 6-30 µg/mL

Function in the Body

Levetiracetam, the active ingredient in Keppra, is an antiepileptic medication used to control seizures. It works by modulating neurotransmitter release and stabilizing neuronal activity, helping prevent the spread of seizure activity in the brain.

Diseases Revealed by the Test

The Keppra level test is primarily used to monitor patients with epilepsy who are taking Levetiracetam. It helps ensure that the drug levels are within a therapeutic range and not too low (which could risk seizures) or too high (which could cause toxicity).

Symptoms of Imbalance

Symptoms of Deficiency:

– Increased frequency of seizures

– Worsening seizure control

Symptoms of Overdose:

– Drowsiness

– Agitation

– Loss of consciousness

– Difficulty breathing

– Decreased coordination

– Coma (in severe cases)


A Keppra level test involves drawing a blood sample to measure the concentration of Levetiracetam in the bloodstream. It is usually performed in patients who are already prescribed Keppra to ensure that they are within the therapeutic range. This test may be conducted during regular follow-ups or when there are concerns about seizure control or potential side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q – What is the purpose of the Keppra level test?

The test is used to monitor the concentration of Levetiracetam in the blood to ensure that it remains within a therapeutic range, optimizing seizure control and minimizing side effects.

Q – How is the test performed?

A blood sample is drawn, typically from a vein in the arm, and sent to a lab for analysis.

Q – Do I need to prepare for the test?

There is usually no special preparation needed. However, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you’re taking, as some may affect the test results.

Q – What if my Keppra levels are too high or too low?

Your doctor may adjust your dosage based on the results to achieve the optimal therapeutic range.

Q – Can the test detect other conditions?

The Keppra level test is specific to monitoring Levetiracetam levels and is not used to diagnose other conditions. However, it can provide insight into the patient’s seizure control and potential side effects.


The Keppra level analysis is crucial for managing epilepsy and ensuring that patients receive the optimal dose of Levetiracetam. Regular monitoring helps prevent both seizures and adverse effects, promoting a better quality of life for those affected.

  • Function in the Body

  • Symptoms of Deficiency

  • Symptoms of Overdose

  • Diagnosis

  • More Information

Frequently Asked Questions

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