Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Serum (AMH)

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The Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Serum (AMH) test is a vital tool in assessing reproductive health and fertility potential in both men and women. This article delves into the normal ranges of AMH in females, males, and children, its function in the body, symptoms of deficiency and overdose, diagnosis, and more information to help individuals comprehend its significance in healthcare.

Normal Ranges

Females: The normal range for AMH levels in females varies across different age groups. In general, higher levels are observed in younger women and decline with age. For women of reproductive age, levels typically range from 1.0 to 4.0 ng/mL. However, these values may vary slightly between laboratories.

Males: AMH levels in males tend to be relatively stable throughout adulthood. Normal levels typically range from 0.7 to 9.5 ng/mL.

Children: In newborns and infants, AMH levels are typically higher due to the presence of maternal AMH. Levels decrease in early childhood and remain low until puberty. For children, levels are generally below 1.0 ng/mL.

Function in the Body

AMH is produced by the gonads (testes in males and ovaries in females) and plays a crucial role in reproductive development. In males, it regulates the development of male reproductive organs during fetal life and helps maintain fertility by suppressing the development of additional male reproductive structures. In females, AMH is involved in the development and maturation of ovarian follicles, which contain the eggs. It helps regulate the number of follicles that develop each month and therefore influences a woman’s ovarian reserve, or the number of eggs remaining in her ovaries.

Symptoms of Deficiency

– Females: Low AMH levels in females may indicate diminished ovarian reserve, which can affect fertility. Symptoms may include difficulty conceiving, irregular menstrual cycles, or premature menopause.

Males: Deficiency of AMH in males may lead to disorders of sexual development or infertility. However, symptoms of deficiency in males are less commonly observed and may require further evaluation by a healthcare provider.


Symptoms of Overdose

Excessive levels of AMH are rare and may be indicative of certain medical conditions. However, specific symptoms of AMH overdose have not been widely documented. Elevated levels of AMH may be associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in females or testicular tumors in males. Further medical evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause of elevated AMH levels.



The AMH test is typically performed using a blood sample. It can be ordered by healthcare providers to assess ovarian reserve in women undergoing fertility evaluation, diagnose disorders of sexual development in both males and females, or monitor the effectiveness of treatments for conditions such as PCOS. Interpretation of AMH levels should be done in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory findings to provide a comprehensive assessment of reproductive health.


More Information

While the AMH test provides valuable information about reproductive health, it is important to note that it is just one piece of the puzzle. Other factors, such as age, menstrual history, hormone levels, and imaging studies, may also be considered when evaluating fertility potential or diagnosing reproductive disorders. Individuals concerned about their fertility or reproductive health should consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized evaluation and management.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does a low AMH level indicate?

Low AMH levels in females may suggest diminished ovarian reserve, while in males, it may indicate disorders of sexual development or infertility.

  1. Can AMH levels be increased naturally?

While there is limited evidence to suggest that certain lifestyle factors, such as maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding smoking, may positively influence AMH levels, the ability to increase AMH naturally is not well-established. Consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations is recommended.

  1. Is the AMH test covered by insurance?

Coverage for the AMH test may vary depending on individual insurance plans and the specific reason for testing. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider or healthcare provider for information about coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs.


In conclusion, the AMH test is a valuable tool in assessing reproductive health and fertility potential in both men and women. Understanding its normal ranges, function in the body, and implications of abnormal levels can aid in the diagnosis and management of various reproductive disorders. Individuals concerned about their fertility or reproductive health should seek guidance from a qualified healthcare provider for appropriate evaluation and care.

  • Function in the Body

  • Symptoms of Deficiency

  • Symptoms of Overdose

  • Diagnosis

  • More Information

Frequently Asked Questions

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