Allergen Specific IgE, Inhalants Panel (RASTI POLY)

Product Description

Price: 60 د.ا

In the realm of allergy diagnosis and management, the Allergen Specific IgE Inhalants Panel, commonly known as RASTI POLY, stands as a pivotal tool for clinicians and patients alike. In countries like Jordan, where allergy seasons bring forth a myriad of challenges, this blood test emerges as a beacon of precision and efficiency, testing for 30 types of allergens with remarkable accuracy. This article aims to shed light on who could benefit from this test, its significance, and the ease of its procedure and result retrieval.

Who Needs to Do It?

The Allergen Specific IgE Inhalants Panel (RASTI POLY) blood test is recommended for individuals experiencing allergic symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, coughing, wheezing, or skin rashes. These symptoms may arise due to exposure to allergens like pollen, dust mites, molds, pet dander, or other environmental triggers. Moreover, individuals with a family history of allergies or asthma may also find this test beneficial in identifying potential allergens.

What Does the Test Entail?

This comprehensive blood test evaluates the presence of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in response to 30 different allergens commonly found in the environment. The procedure is simple and convenient, as it does not require fasting prior to the test. Patients can undergo the blood draw at any time during clinic hours, making it accessible and hassle-free.

Why Is It Important?

The Allergen Specific IgE Inhalants Panel (RASTI POLY) blood test holds paramount importance for several reasons:

  1. Precision and Specificity: Unlike skin prick tests, which may yield false positives or be affected by medications, the RASTI POLY blood test offers high specificity and accuracy in identifying allergens. This precision aids in targeted allergy management and avoidance strategies.
  2. Comprehensive Allergen Profile: With the ability to test for 30 different allergens, this panel provides a comprehensive profile of an individual’s allergic sensitivities. This breadth allows clinicians to tailor treatment plans specific to each patient’s allergen profile, optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
  3. Timely Results: In Jordan, where allergy seasons can be particularly challenging, the quick turnaround time of RASTI POLY results is invaluable. Patients can expect to receive their test results by the following day at noon, enabling prompt initiation of allergy management strategies.
  4. Identification of Hidden Allergens: Beyond common environmental triggers, the RASTI POLY test can also detect allergens from less obvious sources, such as animal dander. This capability is especially beneficial for individuals with pet allergies, facilitating informed decisions regarding pet ownership or exposure.

In Jordan, where allergy prevalence is significant, the Allergen Specific IgE Inhalants Panel (RASTI POLY) blood test emerges as a cornerstone in allergy diagnosis and management. Its ability to accurately identify allergens, provide timely results, and offer comprehensive insights into allergic sensitivities makes it an indispensable tool for both clinicians and patients. By empowering individuals with knowledge of their specific allergen triggers, this test paves the way for personalized allergy management strategies, ultimately improving quality of life.

  • Function in the Body

  • Symptoms of Deficiency

  • Symptoms of Overdose

  • Diagnosis

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