Allergen Specific IgE, Food Panel (RAST F POLY)

Product Description

Price: 60 د.ا

The Allergen-Specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Food Panel blood test, commonly known as RASTF POLY, emerges as a pivotal tool for identifying food allergies. This article aims to explain the significance of this test, and clarify who should consider undergoing it.

The Test:

The RASTF POLY blood tests the blood for specific IgE antibodies against a comprehensive panel of 30 different food allergens. These allergens encompass a spectrum ranging from common triggers like peanuts and shellfish to less conventional culprits such as sesame and kiwi. In Jordan, this test stands as the pinnacle of specificity for diagnosing food allergies, providing a comprehensive assessment of an individual’s allergic sensitivities.

Who Should Consider the Test?

Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of food allergies, such as hives, swelling, gastrointestinal distress, or respiratory issues post-consumption, should contemplate undergoing the RASTF POLY test. Moreover, those with a personal or familial history of allergies, or individuals with conditions like eczema or asthma, warrant consideration for this diagnostic evaluation.

Test Procedure and Expectations:

Unlike certain blood tests that necessitate fasting, the RASTF POLY test typically does not require abstinence from food unless explicitly advised by a healthcare provider. The procedure involves a simple blood draw, and results are generally obtainable the following day around noon. This rapid turnaround time facilitates prompt diagnosis and initiation of appropriate management strategies.

Why is it Important?

Food allergies constitute a significant health concern, potentially eliciting severe allergic reactions known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis manifests as a rapid onset of symptoms, including difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, a drop in blood pressure, and even loss of consciousness. Without prompt intervention, anaphylaxis can prove fatal. Moreover, chronic exposure to allergenic foods may contribute to long-term health complications, ranging from compromised nutritional status to impaired quality of life.

Understanding an individual’s specific food allergens empowers healthcare providers to devise tailored management plans, encompassing dietary modifications, avoidance strategies, and provision of emergency medications like epinephrine auto-injectors. Additionally, accurate diagnosis minimizes unnecessary food restrictions, thereby enhancing dietary diversity and mitigating the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

In the landscape of food allergies, the Allergen-Specific IgE Food Panel blood test emerges as an indispensable diagnostic tool, affording precise identification of allergenic triggers. By elucidating allergic sensitivities, this test facilitates personalized management strategies, thereby safeguarding individuals from the perils of allergic reactions and fostering improved quality of life. Early recognition and intervention are paramount in mitigating the impact of food allergies, underscoring the pivotal role of the RASTF POLY test in clinical practice.

  • Function in the Body

  • Symptoms of Deficiency

  • Symptoms of Overdose

  • Diagnosis

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