Your Key to Savings & Rewards
Welcome to Nokta, UniLabs' exclusive loyalty program, designed to reward our valued customers for choosing us as their trusted medical laboratory partner. With Nokta, your loyalty not only earns you exceptional medical services but also unlocks a world of discounts and benefits.

How Nokta Works
Earn Points, Unlock Discounts
Earning rewards with Nokta is as simple as it gets. For every 1 JOD you spend with UniLabs, you'll earn 1 point. These points can then be redeemed for remarkable discounts on our wide range of medical services.
Three Tiers, Three Levels of Savings
Every customer's journey with us is unique. That's why we've introduced three tiers, each tailored to offer you great benefits:
Tier 1
Collect 0 to 300 points to enjoy a 35% discount on your medical services.
Tier 2
Elevate your loyalty with 301 to 600 points and get a 40% discount on specific tests.
Tier 3
Achieve the highest level of loyalty with 601 points or more to earn a 50% discount on your medical needs.

Redeem Points, Earn Rewards
Redeeming your points for discounts is effortless! Simply redeem 30 points for every discount redemption. This way, your loyalty isn’t just appreciated, but it's also instantly rewarding.
Terms & Conditions
While we're committed to delivering you the best experience, we also believe in keeping you informed:
Embark today on a journey of savings and rewards with Nokta by UniLabs.